BUIL & GINÉ S.L. is a Spanish company that is domiciled at Av. Reus nº 20, 43730 Falset, with fiscal number B43696095 and registered in the register of companies of Tarragona in volume 1801, folio number 200, page T25124.

Intellectual property

The texts, logos, images, sounds, animations, videos etc. of this website are the exclusive property of BUIL & GINÉ S.L., and are protected by the law concerning the intellectual property and the authors rights.

Complete or partial reproduction, modification, distribution, commercialisation, descompilation or disassembly of the contents of the website are prohibited without prior or direct written permission of BUIL & GINÉ S.L.

The information and data in this website can refer to products that can not be bought or that are out of production. The prices, photos, composition, acidity degree and other information can vary without prior notice.